Meet Philipp Hoeltermann, a dedicated front-end developer at forbinfi who has been transforming designs into stunning websites for over a decade. With a passion for bringing creativity to life and a wealth of experience in web development, Philipp is a cornerstone of the forbinfi family. Let’s dive into his professional journey, personal interests, and some fun facts that make him a unique and valued team member.

Professional Insight

Q: What is your role at forbinfi, and can you describe a typical day for you?
A: As a front-end developer, my typical day involves building websites from the designs provided for new projects.

Q: How long have you been part of the forbinfi family?
A: I’ve been with forbinfi for 10 ½ years.

Q: What do you love most about your role, and what motivates you to excel each day?
A: I love making designs come to life.

Q: What is your experience with web development?
A: I have 5 years of experience in quality assurance for web development and 5 years in front-end development.

Personal Touch

Q: Outside of work, what hobbies or activities do you enjoy?
A: I enjoy basketball, supporting the Hawkeyes, lifting, and running.

Q: Is there something unexpected or surprising that people might not know about you?
A: I’m from Germany.

Q: If you could pick one quote or mantra that you live by/resonates with you, what would it be?
A: “Rejoice always.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Q: What’s your go-to productivity hack or stress-relief method?
A: Listening to German hip hop.

Fun & Favorites

Q: If you could have lunch with any historical figure or celebrity (alive or otherwise), who would it be and why?
A: Dirk Nowitzki, because he’s an inspiration both on and off the basketball court.

Q: What’s your favorite piece of technology or software right now?
A: Just CSS. The improvements in CSS over the last 2 years are amazing.

Q: Share with us your favorite “hidden gem” in Iowa – a place, dish, activity, or anything else.
A: Barn Happy in Cedar Falls and their scotcharoos.

Philipp Hoeltermann’s dedication and passion for web development have made a significant impact at forbinfi. His ability to transform designs into functional and beautiful websites, combined with his positive attitude and diverse interests, make him an invaluable member of the team. We are proud to have Philipp as part of the forbinfi family and look forward to many more years of innovation and collaboration.