Welcome to our Employee Spotlight series, where we shine a light on the individuals who make our team extraordinary. Today, we’re featuring Tim Rulapaugh, a Paid Media Strategist whose expertise and creativity helps drive the success for customers in the digital realm. Get to know more about Tim! 

What is your role at forbinfi and what do you do?  

Paid Media Strategist; I oversee the paid digital ads (PPC) side of marketing, including SEM, Social Media, and streaming video. I am also heavily involved with data and website analytics. 

How long have you been with the company?  

1 yr 

What is your background and experience with digital ads? 

After 9+ years as the Internet Do-It-All at a car dealership group, I left to start my own digital marketing and consulting business. Literally a month later, the pandemic hit. I spent 3+ years fighting the economic swings and production issues and needed a change. Forbin happened to be hiring and VGM has a good reputation for employee benefits...so here I am. 

What skills or experiences from previous roles have been most valuable in your current position?  

Extensive experience with almost all aspects of digital marketing and analytics. 

What do you like to do outside of work?  

I’ve been collecting sports cards for many years and, more recently, getting into sports memorabilia. 

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?  

With help from others and their family trees, I've been able to trace at least one line of my family tree back to Biblical times. 

What is something you think financial institutions should know based on your expertise?   

You can save a lot of wasted spend by first determining what you want to accomplish, then choosing the appropriate platform to accomplish it on. If you're not sure which one is best, ask! We'll get you set up with a strategy that utilizes the proper platforms to do what you want to accomplish. 

Seeking expert guidance on your SEM strategy? Reach out to our forbinfi team today. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you optimize your campaigns and grow your financial institution. 

Contact Our Digital Strategist Today