We’ll dive deep into the crucial realm of safeguarding your financial website. After building hundreds of websites and being dedicated to financial institutions, we wanted to share our expertise on what security measures you should have for your financial website.


An SSL secures data transmission between the user's browser and your website. This allows sensitive information to be encrypted and protected during transit. 

Data Encryption & Firewalls 

Stay away from open-source platforms like WordPress to ensure your information stays safe while having your web development company speak to their data encryption, firewall, and intrusion detection systems. This helps encrypt sensitive data stored on your servers and block malicious activity, maintaining the security of your website. 

Audit Log 

Keeping track of who makes changes, when and where can come in handy on your site. Financial institutions can revert to previous versions if a change was made that wasn’t supposed to be. Other potential audit log features can include a weekly or monthly email housing all changes made within that timeframe. 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

You will see this on your bank audits, as it allows an extra layer of security. Having MFA or two factor authentication (2FA) on your site’s CMS login will allow you to remain secure and compliant. For more information, view our MFA blog here

Specified User Roles 

Having designated user roles allows proper permissions within your site. Maybe you only want someone to be able to view forms or edit content? User roles allow you to do that! 

Secure Forms & File Uploads 

If your financial website allows forms or file uploads, provide guidelines on securing this feature to prevent malicious files from being uploaded and executed. You also want to ensure the encryption of your site to keep user submissions safe! 

Vulnerability Scans 

Having a quarterly vulnerability scan allows you to scan your site automatically in search of any ongoing security, privacy and performance maintenance that may be needed. 

Regular Security Audits 

Security and regulatory audits and assessments are crucial to your financial website’s health and compliance. This can include penetration testing, code reviews, link testing, law/regulation compliance and vulnerability scans. 

Data Privacy 

Data Privacy Compliance will help ensure you’re respecting user privacy rights, delivering digital experiences based on users’ preferences and empowering customers with choice and control over their data. This includes cookie consent banner options following US regulations similar to GDPR, such as CPRA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA, UCPA, TDPSA, etc. 

Contact Information 

Include clear instructions and contact information for users to report any security concerns or suspicious activities. 

As cyber threats evolve, so must our defense strategies. If you’re looking for a secure, user-friendly website with a new design and content, forbinfi is here to develop that! We ensure essential security measures that are paramount for the protection of your financial website to provide the confidentiality, integrity and availability of crucial data. 

Get a Secure Website for Your FI